Fireytech customers who are looking for a quality pc upgrade should look at this Amazon link. We don’t make any money from this sale. Our philosophy is to recommend quality refurbished computers for your needs with the hope that you’ll allow Fireytech to...
If you need to determine what your license key is for Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Office you can! You want to make sure you haven’t overlooked the Windows sticker on your computer. Be sure to look on all sides of the machine (and under the battery if you...
Do you struggle to understand the real meaning of computer terms like memory, ram, and hard drive? This video will clarify what they mean and how they impact your computer performance. /wp-content/uploads/UNDERSTANDING-MEMORY-720.mp4 Terms: CPU (central...
Virus removal is an ever changing battle. This article is to give you an idea of the general process behind what we at Fireytech do to clean viruses. You should always check for the most current solutions by doing Google research and apply this article knowledge to...
Basics of computer repair When your computer doesn’t work it can be very frustrating. Fireytech is always happy to help repair your computer or network but we understand there are some of you who like to tinker. Here is how we approach repairs. Hardware of Software?...